General terms and conditions


These are our general terms and conditions. These, along with the references they contain, apply to every agreement we enter into with you.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via
The address of is Dominican Bachata Festival Amsterdam, The Netherlands, with Chamber of Commerce number: 71123784.
We reserve the right to amend these general terms and conditions. You agree that the latest version of these general terms and conditions will always apply to our agreement.

Article 1 – Products

We sell new products.

Article 2 – Payments

The (total) price of the products is indicated in our webshop. You pay via our online payment service; Mollie handles this payment service.
Shipping costs are at your expense.

Article 3 – Deliveries

We deliver your product to the address you provided when placing the order. You can no longer change the address once we have shipped the package. PostNL and our own delivery services handle the distribution. We strive to deliver the order within two to four working days. If the order is delayed, we will notify you in writing. We guarantee that you will receive the order no later than 30 days after the order confirmation. If this unexpectedly does not happen, you can request (a) an immediate refund of the amount you paid for the product, or (b) a replacement product (of equal value) to be sent.

Article 4 – Returns

You may always return the product within 14 days after you have received it. You can do this with the return form or by sending an email to After you have received confirmation from us, you must send the product back within 14 days. Once we have received the product, we will refund the full purchase amount within 14 days. The costs for the return shipment are at your expense. During the period that you have to decide whether you want to keep the product, you must handle the product and packaging carefully. You may only unpack and use the product to the extent necessary to determine whether you want to keep it. Products made to customer specifications (not prefabricated), perishable goods, and products with a limited shelf life cannot be returned.

Article 5 – Liability

We are not liable for damages caused by the use of a product. This does not apply if the damage is due to our intent, gross negligence, or deliberate recklessness. Your right to compensation will in any case be limited to the amount of the ordered and paid product.

Article 6 – Privacy Policy

We protect your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information, you can refer to our Privacy Policy.

Article 7 – Intellectual Property Rights

All intellectual property rights (such as: copyrights, trademarks, trade names) on our texts, photos, images, and other materials, are our property (or we manage them with permission from the rights holder). Your use must not infringe on these rights.

Article 8 – Complaints Procedure

If you have a complaint about the execution of the agreement, we would like to hear from you. Please send your complaint as soon as possible (and as fully described as possible) to We will handle your complaint as soon as possible, at the latest within 30 days after we have received your complaint. If it takes longer to resolve the complaint, you will receive confirmation of your complaint within 14 days and we will let you know when we expect to provide a substantive response. If we are unable to resolve the complaint among ourselves, a dispute will arise that falls under the dispute resolution procedure.

Article 9 – Dispute Resolution
  1. These general terms and conditions and the agreements we enter into with you are governed by Dutch law. In the event of a dispute, the court in Amsterdam has jurisdiction.
  2. As a consumer, you can also turn to the ODR platform (Online Dispute Resolution). This platform offers a simple, effective, fast, and inexpensive out-of-court solution for disputes arising from online transactions. For more information, see:

General Terms and Conditions

By purchasing a ticket or attending the event, you agree to EL TETEO EVENTS’ house rules and terms and conditions. These are filed below.

1.1. “Organization”: EL TETEO EVENTS, having its registered office in Uithoorn and registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number: 87898683 also the (legal) persons charged with the organization of an Event on its behalf.

1.2. “Event”: any activity organized by the Organization including music parties, catering, festivals, parades and festival camping sites, all in the broadest sense of the word.

1.3. “Visitor”: any (legal) person who has validly bought or obtained an admission ticket for an Event organized by the Organization and any person who wishes to gain access to an Event with a valid admission ticket. 1.4. “Terrain”: all buildings, spaces (covered or uncovered), fields, squares, etc. that form part of the area where the Event takes place, including parking areas and approach routes.

1.5. “Admission Ticket” or “Admission Tickets”: a (digital) document or barcode provided by or on behalf of the Organization, which enables the Visitor to gain admission to a specifically designated Event.

1.6. “Tokens”: coins issued by the Organization, which Visitors may purchase at an amount determined by the Organization, and which may be used as a means of payment during the Event at places designated by the Organization for that purpose.

2.1. These general conditions apply to – and form an inseparable part of – every offer and every agreement relating to services or products of any kind to be provided by the Organization, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.

2.2. These general conditions also apply to agreements concluded with or through (or by intermediation of) official (pre)sales addresses designated by the Organization for that purpose.

2.3. These general conditions also apply during the Event and to all (further) agreements that the Visitor concludes with the Organization (such as the purchase of Tokens, food and drink and merchandise).

2.4. These general terms and conditions can also be consulted (and saved) via the website of the Event and are available for inspection at the entrance to the Event.
2.5. House Rules may apply to an Event. The house rules can be consulted on the website of the Event in question and the Organization and are available for inspection at the entrance to the Event. The Visitor hereby expressly declares that he/she agrees to the house rules in question and also declares that he/she will behave in accordance with these house rules.

2.6. Manifest clerical errors or mistakes in the offers of the Organization release it from the obligation to fulfill and/or any obligations to pay damages resulting therefrom, even after the conclusion of the agreement.

2.7. If a Visitor also orders an Admission Ticket or Admission Tickets for third parties, he declares to be authorized to accept these General Conditions on behalf of such third parties and to point out to such third parties the applicability of the General Conditions.

3.1. The agreement between the Organization and the Visitor is concluded at the moment that the Visitor orders/purchases one or more Admission Tickets for an Event from the Organization or from an official (advance) sales address designated for that purpose by the Organization, or by the surrender of an Admission Ticket by a person in order to gain admission to the Event.

3.2. The Organization will provide the Visitor with the Admission Ticket(s) for the Event in question once only in a manner to be determined by the Organization (e.g. by e-mail). The Visitor declares to have proper means (such as a printer) to physically present the Admission Ticket at the entrance to the Event.

3.3. An Entrance Ticket issued entitles one person once to admission to the Event.

3.4. Only the holder of the Admission Ticket who is the first to show the Admission Ticket at the Event will be granted access to the Event. The Organization is not obliged (but is authorised) to carry out further checks in respect of Admission Tickets to ascertain whether the holder is also the rightful owner.

3.5. The Visitor should himself ensure that he becomes and remains the holder of the Admission Ticket issued by the Organization or an advance sales address engaged by the Organization. From the moment that the Admission Ticket has been made available to the Visitor, the Visitor shall bear the risk of loss, theft, damage or misuse of the Admission Ticket.

4.1. The Visitor is not permitted, without the express written consent of the Organization, to (re)sell, offer for sale and/or provide to third parties Tickets for an Event for or in the context of commercial purposes. Commercial purposes means any sale in which the seller receives a higher amount for the tickets than the Organization has determined for those tickets. If the foregoing would have been violated, the Organization is authorized to declare an Entry Ticket invalid without the Organization being liable to refund any amount paid. As an Organization, we only recommend resale through the secure official way offered by TicketSwap where we do not require written consent.

4.2. Without written permission from the Organization, it is under no circumstances permitted to distribute or raffle Entry Tickets in online and/or offline raffles and/or sharing promotions.

4.3. In case of violation of this Article, the Organization shall be entitled to refuse the purchaser of the Admission Ticket as referred to in the preceding paragraph admission to the Event and to recover all resulting damages from the Visitor.

5.1. Only an original, valid and undamaged Admission Ticket gives access to the Event.

5.2. The Organization may decide to provide Visitors with an item (such as a wristband), which makes it easily visible whether and to what the Visitor concerned has access, hereinafter referred to as “ID Device”. The Visitor expressly declares that he/she will cooperate with this. The Visitor must carry the ID at all times during the Event and on the site in the manner indicated and may not break any seal. If the seal is broken and/or lost, the ID device loses its validity and the Visitor may be removed from the Terrain and denied further access.

5.3. When visiting the Terrain, the Visitor shall strictly follow the instructions of the Organization’s employees present there and employees of police, fire department, GGD or other competent authorities.

5.4. On or before entering the Terrain, on the Terrain and also during the Event, the Visitor may be searched. The Visitor expressly agrees to this possible search. If the Visitor does not cooperate, the Visitor will be denied access to the Site.

5.5. In order to gain access to the Event and/or the site, the Visitor must be in possession of valid proof of identity (passport, identity card or driver’s license), which must be shown on request.

5.6. Minimum age for entry to the Event is 18 years, unless otherwise specified.
5.7. Access to the Event is possible from the opening time until the closing time. The times are stated on the Admission Ticket and/or on the website of the Event. The closing time is not necessarily also the end time of the Event.

5.8. Partly for security reasons, it is not possible to leave the Terrain temporarily after entry, unless the Organization would expressly agree to this.

5.9. The following items are not permitted on the Terrain, unless otherwise stated in the house rules of the relevant Event:
– food & drink brought with you;
– food supplements and proteins (protein);
– glassware, sharp objects, umbrellas, weapons (including firearms), laser pens; narcotics (drugs); -vehicles (including cars, trailers, caravans, campers and bicycles); construction tents;
– pets;
– liquids such as (aerosols containing), lighter gas and perfume; sound systems, generators/generators, BBQs, stoves, refrigerators, tap systems,
– large objects (such as couches), confetti/party squash; – clothing with discriminatory (such as nationalistic and/or racist), insulting and/or threatening signs or expressions and also clothing with -signs or club expressions (such as soccer shirts);
– professional photographic, film and other recording equipment.

5.10. It is only permitted to bring medication to the Event if: – the medications are still in the original and sealed packaging; and – are provided with the original package insert; and – can be shown why these medications are being used. If the foregoing conditions are not met -or the Organization has other grounds to doubt the drugs/medicines shown- then the Organization is authorized to take the medicines, without the Organization being obliged to reimburse the (value of those) medicines, and deposit them in the designated bin.

5.11. The Organization may confiscate (or have confiscated) items found as referred to in Article 5.9. Legal items -which are also valuable- can be picked up after the Event after payment of a fee to be determined by the Organization. Illegal items will be handed over to the police. If illegal items are found, the Organization may refuse the Visitor access to the Event.

6.1. Payment can be made during Events and on the Terrain only with Tokens sold by the Organization, unless otherwise specified by the Organization. Tokens are and remain the property of the Organization.

6.2. Tokens can only be purchased on the Terrain.

6.3. Each edition of each Event has its own Tokens that are only valid during that edition of the Event. Purchased Tokens cannot be returned and cannot be exchanged for cash.

6.4. Visitors are not permitted to (re)sell Tokens.

7.1. Toilet facilities are available on the Terrain. These are accessible free of charge, unless otherwise stated. The Visitor is obliged to use those facilities. Defecating or urinating in places other than the toilet facilities is strictly prohibited.

7.2. Smoking is prohibited in all indoor locations/covered locations on the Terrain.

7.3. Throwing liquor or throwing objects is prohibited.

7.4. Taking Organization property is prohibited. Taking property of the Organization is considered theft. This will be reported to the police.

7.5. The Visitor is prohibited from behaving in such a way as to disturb order at the Event.

7.6. In case of destruction of property of the Organization or of third parties on or around the Terrain, this will be reported to the police.

7.7. It is prohibited to sell goods on or around the Terrain before, during and after an Event without explicit written permission from the Organization.

7.8. Without explicit written permission from the Organization, it is prohibited to advertise on or near the Terrain in the broadest sense of the word before, during or after an Event. This prohibition includes advertising other events or business. Any form of advertising (such as by distributing flyers or stickers, putting up posters or addressing Visitors) is prohibited. A fine of at least € 1,000, – will be imposed on the Visitors (and/or persons) who acted or gave instructions to act in violation of these provisions and/or the organization of the event in question that is being advertised.

7.9. Visitors who have not yet reached the age of 18 years are not permitted to purchase, carry, drink and/or attempt to obtain alcoholic beverages. Organization has the right to remove the Visitor who acts in violation of this article from the Terrain without the Organization being obliged to refund the entrance fee.

7.10. Visitor, regardless of age, is not permitted to provide alcoholic beverages (whether or not for payment) to anyone who has not yet reached the age of 18. Organization has the right to remove the Visitor who acts in violation of this article from the Terrain without being obliged to refund the entrance fee.

8.1. Photographic and film recordings may be made during the Event on behalf of (or with accreditation from) the Organization. The Visitor explicitly agrees that images and/or sound recordings will be made of visitors (and therefore possibly also of the Visitor) to the Event on and around the grounds and that these will be distributed or exploited through all possible forms of media.

8.2. The Visitor is permitted to bring photographic equipment intended for consumers onto the site during the Event and make use of it. Photo equipment intended for consumers is understood to mean digital compact cameras (with a normal and fixed lens), telephones with a photo camera and disposable cameras. It is not permitted to bring professional photographic equipment or accessories (such as an (extendable) tripod; which includes, for example, a GoPro Telescoping-Pole). Bringing a film camera is also not permitted. Whether there is any unauthorized equipment referred to in this article is solely at the discretion of the Organization. If you doubt whether the photographic equipment you wish to bring is permitted, please contact the Organization by e-mail prior to the Event.

8.3. In case of use by a Visitor of the equipment mentioned in Article 8.2 and not permitted on the Terrain, the Organization is authorized to: 1. a) temporarily take the equipment into custody, until (at the Organization’s discretion): 1. the Event has ended; or 2. it has been demonstrated by the Visitor that all recordings and possible copies thereof have been erased; or 3. a time to be determined if the Organization has reasonable grounds for doing so; 2. b) to remove from the Terrain the Visitor who acts in violation of Article 8.2, without the Organization being obliged to refund the entrance fee.

8.4. Professional (press) photographers and/or persons wishing to make photo or film recordings of an Event for commercial reasons must hold a valid accreditation from the Organization.

8.5. Printing and/or copying from the program (booklet), posters, other printed matter and/or digital expressions of the Organization or the Event is prohibited without the express prior written consent of the Organization.

8.6. The Organization is authorized to inspect whether the aforementioned articles have been violated and is also authorized to confiscate and/or destroy possible registrations.

9.1. In case of force majeure, the Organization has the right to cancel the Event or organize it on another date.

9.2. The term ‘force majeure’ as referred to in this article shall include all unforeseen circumstances that have arisen through no fault or fault of the Organization such as; illness or withdrawal of an artist, changes to the program or other force majeure situations such as weather conditions, epidemics, strikes, global health problems, terrorist threats etc.

9.3. If the Event is cancelled due to or in connection with force majeure, the Organization will refund the purchase price (excluding fees) of the Entrance Ticket. The Visitor cannot claim any compensation or damages from the Organization other than a refund of the purchase price. No refund will be made until the Visitor has returned an original, valid and undamaged Admission Ticket to the Organization.

9.4. Contrary to Article 9.3, the Organization is not obliged to refund tickets in situations such as cancellation due to illness or withdrawal of an artist, changes to the program or other force majeure situations such as weather conditions, epidemics, strikes, global health problems, terrorist threats, etc.

9.5. No refunds can be made while the event is taking place, regardless of whether one or more individual instructors are unable to attend the event.

10.1. The liability of the Organization is limited to compensation for direct damage, whereby the amount to be paid to the Visitor will never exceed the amount paid by the insurer of the Organization in the case in question. For indirect damages, including consequential damages, lost profits, lost savings and damage due to business interruption, the Organization is never liable.

10.2. The Visitor is a (legal) person acting in the exercise of a profession or business: the Organization is only liable for damage suffered by the Visitor, if and insofar as such damage is the direct result of intent or deliberate recklessness on the part of managers of the Organization. The liability in this case is limited to compensation for direct damage up to the amount paid by the Organization’s insurer in the case in question.

10.3. Entering the Terrain and attending the Event is entirely at your own risk. Lockers for storing valuables are available on the Terrain, unless otherwise indicated. The use of a locker is entirely at your own risk. The Organization is not liable for damage to or loss or theft of Visitor’s belongings.

10.4. The Visitor agrees that loud music will be played during the Event. The Visitor is responsible for taking hearing protection measures as required. The Organization advises the Visitor to give his/her hearing a rest from time to time during the Event by going to a room or place where no or less loud music is played and to wear hearing protection at all times.
10.5. Changes or deviations in the program that take place after the purchase of the Admission Ticket do not entitle you to undo the purchase (by, for example, dissolution or destruction) and therefore also not to a (partial) refund of the purchase price.

10.6. The Organization is not responsible for the way in which artists/acts fulfill their contribution to the Event.

11.1. The Organization always has the right to dissolve the agreement with the Visitor in whole or in part. Rescission in this case means the cancellation of the order of Admission Tickets. Purchased tickets are no longer valid from that moment on. Upon cancellation of an order, the full purchase amount (excluding the fee paid by the Visitor) will be refunded to the Visitor. The Visitor cannot claim any (damage) compensation other than the refund of the purchase amount. If an order is cancelled after an Admission Ticket has been issued to the Visitor, a refund of the purchase price will only be made after the Visitor has submitted an original, valid and undamaged Admission Ticket. This article does not apply when Article 9 applies.

11.2. If the Visitor acts in violation of the Agreement (including these General Conditions), he may, among other things, be removed from the Terrain and denied further access. In addition, the Visitor shall be liable for all damages resulting from his actions. The amount to be compensated by the Visitor to the Organization is at least €150,00, even if the actual damage suffered by the Organization would be lower

12.1. The Organization processes personal data of Visitors and of Visitors to its websites in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.

13.1. These general terms and conditions are exclusively governed by Dutch law.

13.2. These general terms and conditions have been drawn up in Dutch and translated into English. In the event of any inconsistency between the Dutch version and the English translation, only the Dutch version shall be binding.

13.3. The Breda District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to take cognizance of disputes directly or indirectly relating to any agreement or legal act to which these general terms and conditions apply.

13.4. Insofar as the court designated in these terms and conditions, in the case of an agreement with a Visitor who is a consumer, does not have relative jurisdiction, the Visitor shall be entitled, within one month after the Organization has invoked this article in writing, to opt for settlement of the dispute by the court that has relative jurisdiction under the law.

Should you have any questions regarding these general terms and conditions, please contact us at Version 2.0, dated July 31, 2024.